02-09-2025 | Forgiveness 02-02-2025 | Expectations vs. Hope
01-26-2025 | Enter His Rest 01-19-2025 | All Things New 01-12-2025 | Send Me 01-05-2025 | Intersection of Grace
12-15-2024 | Kingdom Builders 12-08-2024 | Keys to the Kingdom 12-01-2024 | Kingdom Values
11-24-2024 | Battle 11-17-2024 | Kingdom Likeness 11-10-2024 | Kingship 11-03-2024 | Master Builder
10-27-2024 | Kingdom Mindset 10-20-2024 | Better Together 10-13-2024 | Slaying Giants 10-06-2024 | Taking Captive
09-29-2024 | Strongholds 09-22-2024 | Battlefield 09-15-2024 | Intimacy 09-08-2024 | Endgame 09-01-2024 | Long Game
08-18-2024 | Crucified Flesh 08-11-2024 | Torn Hearts 08-04-2024 | The god of ME
07-21-2024 | What's the Point 07-14-2024 | Finding Faith in the Fog 07-07-2024 | Blessings
06-30-2024 | Rooted 06-16-2024 | Rise Up 06-09-2024 | Trust the Process - Yielding 06-02-2024 | Trust the Process - Produce
05-26-2024 | Trust the Process - Pruning 05-19-2024 | Trust the Process - Guidance 05-12-2024 | Follow the Cloud - Ian Byrd 05-05-2024 | Unfathomable - part 4