![]() It's the last stretch of summer and we are inviting families to join us on our post summer adventure at https://happyhollow.ca/ It will be on Sept 30,2023. We will meet at Community Works Parking lot and we'll leave Melville 12:30pm. See yah! Youth, please let you parents sign the permission slip so we know how big the group will be! We are excited to spend time sharing and learning with the kids through a variety of methods and resources including activities, stories, Bible reading, videos, group discussion and special presentations.
Our Sunday morning Kid's small group spaces are structured to accommodate kids of all age ranges. If you are new and are planning on visiting the River, all we require is a registration form completed for each family with children who would like to take part in Kids Groups. It's super easy and you can generally fit all your children on one form! You can click this link to Register in advance of Sunday morning. Otherwise, forms are always available on-site. The last Sunday of each month, we have all the kids together for a full Sunday Morning Worship Experience starting at 10:30 am in the River Chapel (aside from the main Worship Service in the MCW Auditorium). We look forward to seeing you! We are excited to spend time sharing and learning with the kids through a variety of methods and resources including activities, stories, Bible reading, videos, group discussion and special presentations. Our Sunday morning Kid's small group spaces are structured to accommodate kids of all age ranges. If you are new and are planning on visiting the River, all we require is a registration form completed for each family with children who would like to take part in Kids Groups. It's super easy and you can generally fit all your children on one form! You can click this link to Register in advance of Sunday morning. Otherwise, forms are always available on-site. The last Sunday of each month, we have all the kids together for a full Sunday Morning Worship Experience starting at 10:30 am in the River Chapel (aside from the main Worship Service in the MCW Auditorium). We look forward to seeing you! Like many things in July and August, our Sunday morning Kid's small group spaces are flexible for the summer. There is a youth night planned for the last Friday of July (28) and Aug (25) at the church in the MCW auditorium for ages 7/8+ and we look forward to a re-group in September! ![]() May 20, 2023 | Paintball Afternoon @ Ravine Adventures Youth Activity Forms Required; Sign-up Waiver Map ![]() We will be hosting a 'Youth Night' on the last Friday of each month. starting @ 6:00 PM at the River (Melville Community Works). Come out, get connected and have some fun! Our Sunday morning Kid's small group spaces are structured to accommodate kids of all age ranges. If you are new and are planning on visiting the River, all we require is a registration form completed for each family with children who would like to take part in Kids Church. It's super easy and you can generally fit all your children on one form! You can click this link to Register in advance of Sunday morning. Otherwise, forms are always available on-site. We look forward to seeing you! ![]() We will be holding a 'Kids & Youth Worship Service' on the last Sunday of each month. starting @ 10:30 AM at the River (Melville Community Works). Come worship with us! ![]() We will be hosting a 'Youth Night' on the last Friday of each month. 6-7:30 PM at the River (Melville Community Works Auditorium). Come out, get connected and have some fun! January 27, 2023 We are excited to spend time sharing and learning with the kids through a variety of methods and resources including activities, stories, Bible reading, videos, group discussion and special presentations.
Our Sunday morning Kid's small group spaces are structured to accommodate kids of all age ranges. If you are new and are planning on visiting the River, all we require is a registration form completed for each family with children who would like to take part in Kids Church. It's super easy and you can generally fit all your children on one form! You can click this link to Register in advance of Sunday morning. Otherwise, forms are always available on-site. We look forward to seeing you! On SATURDAY, NOV 26 we will be running a trip to YORKTON, SK to attend
Kingdom Music Festival 2022 from 6 PM to 9:30 PM at PRAIRIE HARVEST CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER. Youth aged 11 and up are invited to come along!
![]() We're excited to partner with the Melville Baptist Church again this year for a week long day camp style of VBS for families. It's taking place August 15-19 on site at 473 Eighth Ave W in Melville. download a registration form for your children! and/or get registered to volunteer by contacting [email protected] Our Sunday morning Kid's small group spaces are structured to accommodate kids of all age ranges. If you are new and are planning on visiting the River, all we require is a registration form completed for each family with children who would like to take part in Kids Church.
It's super easy and you can generally fit all your children on one form! You can click this link to Register in advance of Sunday morning. Otherwise, forms are always available on-site. We look forward to seeing you! Check out the video recordings for the VBS sessions if you weren't able to take part in person!
Be Blessed Day 1 | https://youtu.be/VShm_Yj-5Wg Day 2 | https://youtu.be/pFi0KBR6mAc Day 3 | https://youtu.be/3c7Qi5xvNsQ Day 4 | https://youtu.be/ukFTHu58RQ8 Day 5 | https://youtu.be/0bMmf7xdgn0 |
Kids & Youth MinistryRiver Kids Archives
November 2024
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